How to modify the colobar settings?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ravindu Lokuliyana
Ravindu Lokuliyana le 31 Oct 2019
Just a simple question!!
How can I obtain following requirement for the colorbar?
  • add units
  • move colobar tilte to the desired position

Réponse acceptée

meghannmarie le 5 Nov 2019
You could try this:
c = colorbar;
units = ' m';
c.TickLabels{end} = [c.TickLabels{end} units];
c.Location = 'westoutside';

Plus de réponses (1)

meghannmarie le 31 Oct 2019
c = colorbar;
units = 'm';
c.TickLabels = cellfun(@(x) [x ' ' units], c.TickLabels, 'UniformOutput', false)
c.Position = [left,bottom, width,height];
  2 commentaires
Ravindu Lokuliyana
Ravindu Lokuliyana le 31 Oct 2019
Thank you for the quick reply.
I just want to add the unit at the end of the colorbar, not for all.
c.Position also not working properly.
Ravindu Lokuliyana
Ravindu Lokuliyana le 31 Oct 2019
Like in this case!!!

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