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How to get rid of '._' files on a hard disk?

23 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Shayma Al Ali
Shayma Al Ali le 15 Nov 2019
Hello everyone!
I'm working on analyzing some images with a code, and all my files and matlab codes are running on an external hard disk. I was having trouble running my code until I realized that my files contained a '._' at the beginning. I read online that these are common with mac files that are then read on a windows disk (I believe thats the case). Is there anyway I can overwrite this?
  2 commentaires
per isakson
per isakson le 15 Nov 2019
"Is there anyway I can overwrite this?" Do you want to rename the files? If so, how?
Shayma Al Ali
Shayma Al Ali le 15 Nov 2019
I want to get rid of the '._' in the beginning of the file name.

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Réponses (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 16 Nov 2019
Just skip it
for k = 1 : numFiles
thisFileName = allFiles{k}; % Get the full or base file name somehow.
if startsWith(thisFileName, '._')
% Skip this file if it starts with dot underline.
continue; % Jump to the bottom of the loop.
% Code to process the other files goes here...

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 15 Nov 2019
Getting rid of the ._ at the beginning of the name is usually the wrong thing to do. Those files contain extended attributes, not data contents. ._YourFunction.m is not the content of YourFunction.m and instead it is file information about YourFunction.m


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