Obtain the Waviness of Graph

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ang Xian Jia
Ang Xian Jia le 17 Nov 2019
Commenté : Ang Xian Jia le 23 Nov 2019
I would like to superimpose the two graphs into one graph by making sure that the peaks of both graphs are at the same point. (Note that each graph has exactly three peaks - highest points) In other words, the superimposed graph must also have only 3 peaks, which are the peaks of graph 1 and also graph 2. During the process, strecthing or shrinking of the graph can be done. The reason of all this is to obtain the graphical demonstration of waviness of second graph. Is there a way to do that?
Attached above is the first graph data and second graph data. The y variable for both graphs is y_graph and x variable for both graphs is x in the mat file.
Below is graph 1.
Below is graph 2.
  2 commentaires
Akira Agata
Akira Agata le 18 Nov 2019
If possible, could you upload your data as .mat file?
Ang Xian Jia
Ang Xian Jia le 19 Nov 2019
Mat file is uploaded and Question is updated.

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Réponses (1)

Philippe Lebel
Philippe Lebel le 19 Nov 2019
Modifié(e) : Philippe Lebel le 19 Nov 2019
Does this help you get what you wnat (didn t have the time to finish with the loading ond plotting of data 1)
here is the code (just change max_x_plot_1 for the actual lenght of the plot_1 (didn't load graph1 data))
[max_1,index_1] = max(y_graph);
spacing = floor(length(y_graph)/3);
for i = 1:3
offsets(i) = (i-1)*spacing;
[maxes(i), indexes(i)] = max(y_graph((i-1)*spacing + 1:(i*spacing)));
indexes = indexes + offsets;
y_graph_trunc = y_graph(indexes(1):indexes(3));
max_x_plot_1 = 2.3*10^4;
ratio = max_x_plot_1 / length(y_graph_trunc);
new_x = 1:ratio:max_x_plot_1;
  4 commentaires
Philippe Lebel
Philippe Lebel le 19 Nov 2019
Modifié(e) : Philippe Lebel le 19 Nov 2019
how about that:
close all
plot(x, y_graph);
hold on
max_first_graph_y = max(y_graph);
max_first_graph_x = max(x);
[max_1,index_1] = max(y_graph);
spacing = floor(length(y_graph)/3);
for i = 1:3
offsets(i) = (i-1)*spacing;
[maxes(i), indexes(i)] = max(y_graph((i-1)*spacing + 1:(i*spacing)));
indexes = indexes + offsets;
y_graph_trunc = y_graph(indexes(1):indexes(3));
ratio = max_first_graph_x / length(y_graph_trunc);
new_x = 1:ratio:max_first_graph_x;
y_offset = min(y_graph_trunc);
y_graph_trunc = y_graph_trunc - y_offset;
y_graph_trunc = y_graph_trunc * max_first_graph_y / max(y_graph_trunc);
Ang Xian Jia
Ang Xian Jia le 23 Nov 2019
Hi Phillipee,
Is it possible to match those 3 peaks together also ?

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