how to insert a value into the array in a consistent manner.

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Yuki Koyama
Yuki Koyama le 20 Nov 2019
Commenté : Bhaskar R le 20 Nov 2019
If I want to get [0;1;1;1] when A=ones(3,1)=[1;1;1], I can get [0;1;1;1] by typing [0;A].
If I want to get [0 1 1 1] when A=ones(1,3)=[1 1 1], I can get [0 1 1 1] by typing [0 A].
How can I write them in the consistent way? Must I always use semicolon or space(or comma) dependign on whether A is a row vector or a column vector?
  1 commentaire
Stephen23 le 20 Nov 2019
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 20 Nov 2019
"Must I always use semicolon or space(or comma) dependign on whether A is a row vector or a column vector? "
If you want to use the concatenation operator [] then a comma/space or semi-colon is required.
"How can I write them in the consistent way?"
What does "consistent" mean? In one case you are adding a new row, in the other case a new column: do you expect to be able to use the same syntax for both of these?

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Réponse acceptée

Stephen23 le 20 Nov 2019
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 20 Nov 2019
>> A = ones(3,1);
>> A(end+1) = 0;
>> A([2:end,1]) = A
A =

Plus de réponses (1)

Bhaskar R
Bhaskar R le 20 Nov 2019
Are you asking for this ?
A = ones(3, 1);
if (size(A,2)>1)
A = [0 A];
A = [0;A];
  2 commentaires
Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 20 Nov 2019
To make this code a little clearer, you might want to use the isrow or iscolumn function instead of explicitly checking the size. These will also return false if the input is not a vector.
A = ones(3, 2);
if (size(A,2)>1)
A = [0 A]; % Error
A = [0;A];
With isrow and iscolumn:
A = ones(3, 2);
if isrow(A)
A = [0 A];
elseif iscolumn(A)
A = [0; A];
disp('A is not a vector')
Alternately, instead of using 0 use zeros to make a matrix with the appropriate number of rows or columns to be compatible with A. If you do that, you'd need to use some other criterion to determine whether to concatenate horizontally or vertically.
A = ones(3, 2);
B = [zeros(size(A, 1), 1), A]
C = [zeros(1, size(A, 2)); A]
Bhaskar R
Bhaskar R le 20 Nov 2019
Yeah, I have been learning/growing with new commands, ways and techniques as a new contributer in this forum. Thanks for the feedback of the answer. Its my pleasure.!!

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