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How can I combine two tables together in Matlab which are different sizes but some of the row names are the same?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Please could anybody suggest how I would combine two tables together where some of the rows are the same name, but they size of the tables are different?
For instance my first table is called secmet and has 8 rows, 2 columns.
My second table is called secmetprot and has 12 rows, 2 columns
Some of the rows are the same name in each table. However, in instances where they aren't for one of the tables, I would like zeros to be in the columns for this row. How would I do this? I am not sure whether I would need to use outerjoin or not.
  1 commentaire
Vinai Datta Thatiparthi
Vinai Datta Thatiparthi le 18 Déc 2019
Hi Amy!
Can you share the tables that you talk about? It may help us arrive at at a solution quickly. Also, can you describe how you want the output to look like?

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