Legend Colors not according to figure

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Luciano Silva
Luciano Silva le 18 Déc 2019
Réponse apportée : ME le 18 Déc 2019
In a previous Matlab version (2012), the legend colors were according to the plot.
Now, the same code, in a new version (2015) gives the results below. Note the legend colors.
Even in the Matlab help section about legend we see the same problem
Is thes a bug? Is there a way to solve it?
Thank you
  1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 18 Déc 2019
Yes, it was a bug in that old of a release. If I recall correctly, the work-around involved calling legend() with more than one output, and setting the properties of the objects that are returned from the second output of legend() .
Note that when you call legend() with more than one output in R2014b or newer, then legend() works differently (and has a different set of bugs) than if you call legend() with at most one output.

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ME le 18 Déc 2019

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