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how to solve Coupled equations including ODE and algebraic equations?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Urvi le 4 Oct 2012
All my variables are interdependent. How do I pass extra variables for Ode and algebraic equations?

Réponse acceptée

Richard Crozier
Richard Crozier le 4 Oct 2012
Well, the error says it all, you don't define EVI in the function trial.m, it's not passed in as a variable anywhere, and its not declared as a global. Therefore you get an error EVI not defined. Same for VI.
See the docs on ode45 etc. for the standard method of how to pass in extra variables to the ode solvers.
  4 commentaires
Richard Crozier
Richard Crozier le 8 Oct 2012
By the way, you should have left the question as it was, now others looking up the same question won't understand the answer. Start a new question for a new (better defined) problem.
Urvi le 9 Oct 2012
ya sure. Thanks!

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