Error: Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).
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i have a problem with my code, specifically with my animation output.
As soon as the code gets to line 500, where the animation part is, i get the error from the title with the following added:
" Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).
Error in sym/subsref (line 890)
R_tilde = builtin('subsref',L_tilde,Idx);
Error in A33Meins (line 501)
animation4(t,x(:,1:13),.05,{fh_boden_fix boden_fix 4;..."
Here is my code :
%% Animation:
boden_fix = {[-1.25 0 0;
1.25 0 0]};
boden_u = {[0.9 0 0;
1.2 0 0]};
karosserie_1 = {[-p.a/2 -p.hs 0;
p.a/2 -p.hs 0;
p.a/2 p.hs 0;
-p.a/2 p.hs 0;
-p.a/2 -p.hs 0]};
hebel_2 = {[ 0 0 0; 0 0]};
hebel_3 = {[ 0 0 0; 0 0]};
hebel_5 = {[ 0 0 0;
-p.b5 0 0]};
hebel_7 = {[ 0 0 0;
p.b5 0 0]};
koerper_4 = {[ 0 0 0;
-p.b4/2 p.hs4 0;
p.bc p.hs4 0;
p.bc -p.hc4 0;
p.bc p.h4 0;
p.bc p.hs4 0;
-p.b4/2 p.hs4 0;
-p.b4 p.h4 0]};
koerper_6 = {[ 0 0 0;
p.b4/2 p.hs4 0;
-p.bc p.hs4 0;
-p.bc -p.hc4 0;
-p.bc p.h4 0;
-p.bc p.hs4 0;
p.b4/2 p.hs4 0;
p.b4 p.h4 0]};
fh_boden_fix = @(t,x)deal([0;0; 0],[1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1]);
fh_boden_u = @(t,x)deal([0;u_von_t(t);0],[1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1]);
fh_karosserie_1 = matlabFunction(I_r_OS1,A_IK1, 'vars', {t, q});
fh_hebel_2 = matlabFunction(I_r_OA, A_IK2, 'vars', {t, q});
fh_hebel_3 = matlabFunction(I_r_OB, A_IK3, 'vars', {t, q});
fh_hebel_5 = matlabFunction(I_r_OF, A_IK5, 'vars', {t, q});
fh_hebel_7 = matlabFunction(I_r_OJ, A_IK7, 'vars', {t, q});
fh_koerper_4 = matlabFunction(I_r_OE, A_IK4, 'vars', {t, q});
fh_koerper_6 = matlabFunction(I_r_OI, A_IK6, 'vars', {t, q});
%% numerische Integration:
t_start = 0;
t_end = 4;
x0 = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; % Anfangswerte erweitern
options = odeset('RelTol',1.e-4,... % Standard 1.e-3
'AbsTol',1.e-7,... % Standard 1.e-6
[t,x_] = ode23(@ode_fcn,[t_start t_end],x0,options);
% q_pp bestimmen:
for i=1:length(t)
q = x_(:, 1:p.n);
q_p = x_(:, (p.n+1):p.n*2);
q_pp = x__p(:,(p.n+1):p.n*2);
% Beschleunigung in P:
for i=1:length(t)
% Animation
animation4(t,x(:,1:13),.05,{fh_boden_fix boden_fix 4;...
fh_boden_u boden_u 4;...
fh_karosserie_1 karosserie_1 3;...
fh_hebel_2 hebel_2 2;...
fh_hebel_3 hebel_3 2;...
fh_koerper_4 koerper_4 2;...
fh_hebel_5 hebel_5 2;...
fh_koerper_6 koerper_6 2;...
fh_hebel_7 hebel_7 2},[0,90]);
2 commentaires
le 9 Jan 2020
This error message is telling you that you are trying to index an element that doesn't exist. The first thing I'd do in this case is debug the code (, pausing just before line 501. Then, run
More specifically, are you sure it shouldn't be x_(:,1:13)?
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