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Saving a specific TAB from a UITAB group to png with App Designer

14 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jason le 18 Jan 2020
Hello, I want to copy all contents on a specific tab (ResultTab) UITAB Group in Appdesigner.
I have tried:
img = getframe(f);
But this requires an ax or fig as a handle. Not sur ehow to get the tab into this or if there is an alternative way.

Réponse acceptée

Janik Ruge
Janik Ruge le 4 Fév 2021
Otherwise you would have to be more specific, usually you have to create a figure and copy stuff into that to save it.

Plus de réponses (1)

Janik Ruge
Janik Ruge le 2 Fév 2021
Right now I too am struggling with that problem. I have multiple graphs that i want to plot in each tab, but i also need some input variables and other stuff, that could be converted to string form to fit. I can manually annotate graphs in a figure, but that is insanely laborious, if i have multiple tabs, especially because i need the app to be resizeable.


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