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surface plotting with complex function

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
AVM le 19 Jan 2020
Commenté : darova le 19 Jan 2020
why with this code the surface ploting does not happen.? Where I am wrong with this code. With this code if write 'plot3(Th,Al,mag', then some 3d image is apperaing. But surface plotting is not happen. Pl help me.
f(theta,alpha)=1i*int(r,phi,0,2*pi); %% f is acomplex function
theta =linspace(0.1,4,20);
alpha =linspace(0.1,4,20);
[Th,Al] = ndgrid(theta, alpha);
F = f(Th,Al);
mag= abs(F);
%grid on
  1 commentaire
darova le 19 Jan 2020
Do you have original formula/expression for f function?

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Réponses (1)

Thiago Henrique Gomes Lobato
Maybe you need to add a shading to properly visualize the result?
shading interp
  1 commentaire
AVM le 19 Jan 2020
But still error is coming. Only 2-D axes are showing and no image. The error are
Error using matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Surface/set
Invalid parameter/value pair arguments.
Error in prlmatrix (line 36)

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