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ismembertol() for one direction tolerance and for one match at a time

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
sani le 30 Jan 2020
Modifié(e) : Rik le 30 Jan 2020
Hi all,
I'm using the ISMEMBERTOL() function to match events from 2 tables (matches by time), but the function do double side match (negative delta T and positive while I need the positive only) and also make matches for the same event from one detector to multiple events (within the tolerance) from the other detector.
I need to make the matches for only positive times and also 1:1 events match, any suggestions?
this is the code I'm using
matchwindow =200000; %matching window within which two events are considered equal, in nanoseconds.
S_delay = 400; %offset for S table, in nanoseconds.
[ismatch, matches] = ismembertol(S_table.time_S + S_delay, G_table.time_G , matchwindow, 'DataScale', 1);
merged = [G_table(matches(ismatch), :), scint_table(ismatch, :)];
  1 commentaire
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami le 30 Jan 2020
try timetables and synchronize function for merging timeseries data.

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