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str2num results

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
John le 5 Fév 2020
Réponse apportée : John le 5 Fév 2020
Here is a test, please try it. I can't explain the reason. Thanks.
>> a='sss'
a =
>> b=str2num(a)
b =
>> isnumeric(b)
ans =
>> a='ss'
a =
>> b=str2num(a)
b =
Empty state-space model.
>> isnumeric(b)
ans =
>> a='ssa'
a =
>> b=str2num(a)
b =
>> isnumeric(b)
ans =
  1 commentaire
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes le 5 Fév 2020
John - I saw this link Create state-space model, convert to state-space model which may be relevant given the 'ss' string and the 'Empty state-space model' message. Perhaps, under the hood, MATLAB is taking the 'ss' string and somehow creating a state space model (since ss is the function used to create a state space model).

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Réponses (3)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang le 5 Fév 2020
ss() happen to be a function. You could run b=ss alone;

Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 5 Fév 2020
From the documentation page for str2num: "In addition, str2num uses the eval function, which can cause unintended side effects when the input includes a function name. To avoid these issues, use str2double."
Neither sss nor ssa are functions in any MathWorks product.
ss is a function in Control System Toolbox.

John le 5 Fév 2020
Sometimes str2double gives error. Anyways, either way, How can we test if the input string is numeric? Like this:
>> a='notnumeric'
a =
>> b=str2double(a)
b =
>> isnumeric(b)
ans =
The test says it's a numeric.


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