drawing lines between nodes in a GUI

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
vedesh Mohit
vedesh Mohit le 6 Fév 2020
Modifié(e) : Adam Danz le 7 Fév 2020
I would like to know if it is possible to add nodes to a user interface from GUIDE in matlab. I would like to place 24 nodes and the user would to be able to connect any two nodes in the interface. Can this be done?
  4 commentaires
Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 6 Fév 2020
The ginput allows the user to select the two nodes... have you looked into that documentation yet?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 6 Fév 2020
Modifié(e) : Adam Danz le 7 Fév 2020
You've edited the question and it no longer asks how to connect two selected nodes with a new edge which is what my solution does.

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Réponses (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 6 Fév 2020
Here's a demo that will get you started. You will have to tweak it to work for your data and your requirements.
You'll have to a button or define some kind of event that will prompt the user to select two nodes on the plot. That prompt should evoke a callback function that plots the graph, uses ginput to allow the user to select 2 nodes, and then replots the updated graph with the added edge.
% Plot the original graph
A(:,end) = 0;
names = {'alpha' 'beta' 'gamma' 'delta'};
G = graph(A,names,'upper','omitselfloops');
ph = plot(handles.axes1, G);
axis equal
% prompt user to select 2 nodes
% cross hairs will appear allowing the user to click
% ANYWHERE on the GUI figure.
xy = ginput(2);
% find nearest nodes to each mouse click
% It would be wise to monitor the DISTANCE output and if it's greater than some value,
% you should reject the selection. The Distance is the distance between the mouse click
% and the nearest node.
nearestNodeIdx = nan(size(xy,1),1);
for i = 1:size(xy,1)
[distance, nearestNodeIdx(i)] = min(pdist2(xy(i,:), [ph.XData.', ph.YData.']));
% add edge to graph
H = addedge(G,nearestNodeIdx(1),nearestNodeIdx(2),0);
% Clear current graph and re-plot the updated one.
% Note that the graph may have changed orientation or shape.
ph = plot(handles.axes1, H);


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