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How to link .m file and mex file

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
A R le 12 Fév 2020
Commenté : James Tursa le 13 Fév 2020
Hello, I am doing a project in image processing. I have a .m file(which gets an image and perform modulation) and a c mex file (for analog output data generation to USB 205). I want to link the 2 files( .m and mex) so that the modulated data from .m file goes to mex file for data transmission. What are the possible ways to do this?
Thanks in advance!!
  6 commentaires
A R le 13 Fév 2020
Thank a lot for your response. I just compiled my mex file and called it from my .m file and it works. But i dont know how to pass my data (1x256) to mex for further operations. like what changes has to be done in my mex file so that it accepts 1x256 data. Does anyone have any examples and willing to share?
James Tursa
James Tursa le 13 Fév 2020
Can you describe in more detail what you want the mex function to do? What would be the input(s) and what would be the output(s)? There are examples shipped with MATLAB. Or I can post an example later today if needed, but it would help if I had an idea what you wanted the function to do.

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