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Gyroscope data drifts and then returns to 0

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jack Upton
Jack Upton le 13 Fév 2020
Commenté : Jack Upton le 14 Fév 2020
Hi, I have a set of gyroscope data reading angular velocity (rad/s) over a period of 10mins. I converted this data to degrees per second and then integrated this to find the angular position(Degrees). When plotted against time, the data drifts (as expected) but then as the 10 minute mark approaches the data quickly homes in 0 as seen in the picture below. What could be the cause of this and how would I resolve it?
  2 commentaires
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson le 14 Fév 2020
Hi Jack,
what method did you use to integrate the data?
Jack Upton
Jack Upton le 14 Fév 2020
I used the cumtrapz function to integrate the data

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