Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

how can i find the distance from the peak of one wave to another wave in a image?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
i need to find the distance of the wave. i refer to some questions & answers from that i get to know can solve canny's edge detection method.
but i don't know how to process it. can anyone help me...?
  4 commentaires
darova le 19 Fév 2020
Can you attach 3 more?
basha Shaik
basha Shaik le 19 Fév 2020
yaa i attached more images

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Réponse acceptée

darova le 19 Fév 2020
I suggest next algorithm
  • imcrop region of interest (since it's always at the same position
  • imbinarize image
  • maybe clear a bit with bwareaopen
  • find pixels you are interested in
  • use findpeaks
  17 commentaires
darova le 24 Fév 2020
In case of other error try this:
function main
for i = 0:1
STR = sprintf('%05d.jpg',i);
catch ME
if ~exist(STR,'file')
disp(['File ' STR ' Does not exist'])
disp(['File ' STR ' was not processed'])
darova le 26 Fév 2020
Remember about accepting answer if it helped

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Plus de réponses (1)

basha Shaik
basha Shaik le 25 Fév 2020
sorry for making you trouble and thank you for helping me.
here, i attached the output i got but i didn't understand exactly, here i explain in brief
i need to solve 13000 images at once and need to save the value of wave length in .dat file or any numerical value format.
can u help me with the code for solving this problem.
do u solve the all the images at once....?
  7 commentaires
darova le 25 Fév 2020
I changed angle of breakup for 2.jpg
if atan2d(dy(end),dx(end)) > 130 % angle of breakup
I think 11.jpg is defective. I don't see here a wave. Can you see?
8.jpg is problem. I don't how to measure a wave length. Sorry

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