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How do I store values from a function in an array within a for loop?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nicole Mezher
Nicole Mezher le 25 Fév 2020
Commenté : Guillaume le 25 Fév 2020
for i=119:0.1:125
Shift_Vm= GHK(Nai,Ki,Cli,i,Ko,Clo,P_RestNa,P_RestK,P_RestCl);
I am getting the error:Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in Nicole_HW2 (line 31)
How do I store each value of Shift_Vm to an array so I can plot it

Réponse acceptée

Guillaume le 25 Fév 2020
something = 119:0.1:125; %give this variable a better name, a name that actually describes what the variable contain
x = zeros(size(something)); %preallocate the output for efficiency
for i = 1:numel(something)
x(i) = GHK(Nai,Ki,Cli,something(i),Ko,Clo,P_RestNa,P_RestK,P_RestCl);
  2 commentaires
Nicole Mezher
Nicole Mezher le 25 Fév 2020
Thank you, it worked. One quick thing, How can I plot my results as the steps being the x axis and the values from the function being the y axis. I tried it but I keep getting the wrong graph as a result
Guillaume le 25 Fév 2020
plot(something, x);
Naming the result something else than x may make more sense.

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