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How to save the value of some variables in a .dat file inside a nested loop in the function environment

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hello everyone,
I am trying to create a .dat file on each for loop of a function enviroment file. The code looks like:
for i=1:length(Tmax0)
for j=1:length(Hy0)
[t,x]=ode45(@(t,x)myode(t,x,Hy0(j),Tmax0(i)),ts,[0 0]);
So what I want to save has to be done where the warning "% SAVE DATA HERE" is placed in the code. I would like to save on each file the value of TIME, LX, LY, and MZ as column vectors, for each iteration on the for loop on j=1:length(Hy0) for all the i=1:length(Tmax0) iterations. It would be great if the name of my file could be controled showing the value of Tmax0(i) and Hy0(j) like... "Laser_Like_Hy0=,'value(Hy0(j))',_Tmax0=,'value(Tmax0(i))'.dat". It would be great if all the decimals of the above variables are saved. Again, just in case that it is important, this code is inside a function environment. I do not if cell2mat works there, for example.
Any suggestions?

Réponse acceptée

Stephen23 le 1 Mar 2020
Replace "Save Data Here" with:
fnm = sprintf('Laser_Like_Hy0=%.12f_Tmax0=%.12f.dat', Hy0(j), Tmax0(i));
mat = [TIME(:), LX(:), LY(:), MZ(:)];
  3 commentaires
Stephen23 le 1 Mar 2020
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 1 Mar 2020
"The data is separated with commas, is this suitable to be read by MatLab in other script"
Yes, a comma-separated file can be trivially imported into MATLAB using csvread.
Comma-separated files are a very common format for storing data in a text file:
If you want to export/import data using a space delimiter, then use dlmwrite and dlmread.
Please remember to accept my answer if it helped you to resolve your original question.

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