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Problem running matlab with modelsim for cosimulation

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Borja González Perancho
Borja González Perancho le 22 Mar 2020
Error: (vsim-3193) Load of "C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2020a/toolbox/edalink/extensions/modelsim/windows32/liblfmhdlc_gcc421vc12.dll" failed: Bad DLL format.
  1 commentaire
Lucía López Martínez
Lucía López Martínez le 25 Mar 2020
I have the same problem:
Error: (vsim-3193) Load of "C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2019b/toolbox/edalink/extensions/modelsim/windows32/liblfmhdls_gcc421vc12.dll" failed: Bad DLL format.

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Urmila Rajpurohith
Urmila Rajpurohith le 26 Mar 2020


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