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Plot Van Hove Correlation plot using @msdanalyzer?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Minhaz ur Rahman
Minhaz ur Rahman le 25 Mar 2020
Réponse apportée : Edin le 13 Juin 2023
I am using msdanalyzer (Tinevej et. al. 2013) for Single Particle Tracking Microrheology. Can anyone assist me to how can I plot Van Hove Correlation plot after loading the x,y positions from xml files (which were created using TrackMate via imageJ Fiji plugin)?
  2 commentaires
hiteshika gosain
hiteshika gosain le 20 Juin 2021
Did you figure out how to plot the van hove correlation function from these tracks?
Kind regards,
MINHAZ RAHMAN le 22 Juin 2021
Not yet...could you?

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Réponses (1)

Edin le 13 Juin 2023
Hey there,
I don't know if I'm too late for this, but I just made a small script that should convert msdanalyzer tracks into a variable another MATLAB program can understand, which supports finding the van Hove correlation.
% Convert msdanalyzer tracks to a format Track Analysis understands. Written by Edin O. on 13.6.23 under GPLv3 license.
%% Declare variables
ma = importdata(""); % Path to msdanalyzer variable
SAVE_FILE = false;
%% Calc variables
lTracks = cellfun('size', ma{1}.tracks, 1);
offset = cumsum(lTracks);
%% Move data
% Init
tr = nan(sum(lTracks), 4);
R = ma{1}.tracks{1}(:,2:end);
frames = 1:lTracks(1);
tr(1:offset(1),:) = [R, frames', ones(lTracks(1), 1)];
% Loop
for i = 2:length(lTracks)
R = ma{1}.tracks{i}(:,2:end);
frames = 1:lTracks(i);
colStart = offset(i-1) + 1;
tr(colStart:offset(i), :) = [R, frames', repmat(i, lTracks(i), 1)];
%% Save
save("convertedTracks.mat", "tr", "-v7.3")
Afterwards, you can put the "convertedTracks" variable into this program on the File Exchange: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/118310-track_analysis?s_tid=FX_rc1_behav


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