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desperate for getting an algorithm to process data

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Yeon Hwee Bae
Yeon Hwee Bae le 5 Avr 2020
Commenté : David Hill le 5 Avr 2020
this is a part of my data. i want to make an algorithm.
  1. if second row's values are same,and if first row's values difference is 1, get the column which has highest 3rd row's values
  2. second row's value is 1, it has to get second column,
  3. second row's value is 2, it has to get 3rd and 5th column
  4. second row's value is 3, it has to get 8th column
  5. second row's value is 4, it has to get 10th column
  6. second row's value is 5, it has to get 11th,12th,13th column
like this
help me please~~TT
  3 commentaires
Yeon Hwee Bae
Yeon Hwee Bae le 5 Avr 2020
oops i missed data. here is it
David Hill
David Hill le 5 Avr 2020
Show us the code you have written.

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