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How to transfer diagram to figure

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa le 11 Avr 2020
Commenté : Tran Hoa le 11 Avr 2020
Hi members
Could you instruct me How to tranfer figure (a) to figure (b).
Thank you so much !

Réponse acceptée

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza le 11 Avr 2020
You need the handle of the lines in figure (a) and handle of axes in figure(b), then use
copyobj(line_handles, axes_handle)
to copy the lines to figure(b)
  3 commentaires
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza le 11 Avr 2020
See this example. First I plot the data you gave. Then I create a new figure, make a new line and then copy the line from figure 1 to figure 2.
YMatrix1=[0.3473, 0.3471, 0.3470,0.3468,0.3454,0.3452,0.3452,0.3452, 0.3423,0.3423];
semilogy1 = semilogy(YMatrix1,'LineWidth',2);
ax = axes();
plot(0.345+rand(1,10)*0.005, 'r');
copyobj(semilogy1, ax)
Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa le 11 Avr 2020
Thank you. I will try

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