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Adding to variable dependant on condition

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Holden Earl
Holden Earl le 14 Avr 2020
Modifié(e) : Tommy le 30 Juin 2020
i have a table and am checking if values lie within this range 60<=a<70, if they do i want to add 1 to another variable "x" so that x will represent the number of values within this range. using an elseif function how would i do this, thanks!
for a = 1:length(x)
if a >= 60 && a <70
  6 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 14 Avr 2020
You are calculating x+1 and throwing the result away instead of recording the result of the addition.
If a is the vector of values to be checked, you should probably not be using for a . You should probably be using an index into a, like for idx = 1 : length(a) and checking the value of a indexed at that variable.
Holden Earl
Holden Earl le 14 Avr 2020
thats got it, thanks guys!

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