PLotting noisy signal matlab

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
T le 24 Oct 2012
Suppose the sampling interval is pi/100.
t = 0:pi/100:40;
x = cos(pi/10*t)+0.5*randn(size(t));
plot(t,x)Then you know where pi/2, 3pi/4 etc are.
t(50) is pi/2 and x(50) is the signal value at t=pi/2
plot(t,x); hold on plot(t(50),x(50),'r^','markerfacecolor',[0 0 0],'markersize',10); plot(t(75),x(75),'r^','markerfacecolor',[0 0 0],'markersize',10); and so on.
Suppose t was a vector and for each element is the one that I want to plot, so for instance, t(1), t(2),..., and so on. How would you do this?

Réponse acceptée

Wayne King
Wayne King le 24 Oct 2012
Modifié(e) : Wayne King le 24 Oct 2012
What do you mean suppose t was a vector?
t = 0:pi/100:40;
x = cos(pi/10*t)+0.5*randn(size(t));
t is a vector in the above. So is x and you are plotting the vector x as a function of the vector t.
  1 commentaire
T le 24 Oct 2012
What if t(1) = 0.4, t(5) = 0.5, t(6)=0.6, ....and so on. If I only wanted to plot x at t(1), t(5),.... ,, how would you do this?
x(t(1)) won't give me that result.

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Plus de réponses (2)

Wayne King
Wayne King le 24 Oct 2012
Modifié(e) : Wayne King le 24 Oct 2012
You can subset your vector, for example:
t = 0:.01:1-0.01;
x = cos(2*pi*10*t);
Now the spacing in my t vector is 0.01 seconds. What if I wanted to only plot at time intervals of 0.1 seconds? Since the sine wave has a frequency of 10 Hz, I'll get a constant function.
tnew = t(1:10:end);
xnew = x(1:10:end);
  1 commentaire
T le 24 Oct 2012
Sorry, I should have been less ideal. What if t(1) = 0.5235, t(2) = 0.6743, t(3)=.756 and so on?

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Richard Zapor
Richard Zapor le 24 Oct 2012
Modifié(e) : Richard Zapor le 24 Oct 2012
If you want a specific set of points a third vector can be created, v=[1 4 9 12]; The plot(t(v),x(v)) will only use the subset points.
If you desire time values not part of the original data set then use interp1. xi=[.5235 .6743 .756]; yi=interp1(t,x,xi);plot(xi,yi)
For markers: plot(t,x); hold on; plot(t(5:10:100),x(5:10:100),'r^','markerfacecolor',[0 0 0],'markersize',10);


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