How can I convert a shapefile boundaries to lat and lon?

12 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
David Franco
David Franco le 23 Avr 2020
I have a shapefile of counties subdivisions (Paraná State, Brazil) and I would like to extract an array of bounding lat and lon for each division. Is it possible to do?
In this example, the bounding are X and Y (the LAT and LON columns refers to the location of the county seat).
File example attached.
  2 commentaires
darova le 23 Avr 2020
What is the connection between lat/lon ad X/Y?
David Franco
David Franco le 29 Avr 2020
X/Y are some projection in a differente unit system...

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Chad Greene
Chad Greene le 5 Oct 2021
If it's a standard map projection, use projinv.

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