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Avoiding for loop and if

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Giovanni Gardan
Giovanni Gardan le 19 Mai 2020
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
I'd like to avoid the following "for loop". Is it possible?
In the following code, the matrix CAR_GEN is the input. This matrix has rows number=1000, and column number=4. In the first column of this matrix there are two possibilities: or 'G' or 'C', and if I have 'C' i have to do the operation under the if-test and finally find the vector ''Scarto''.
Is it possible to check directly if the element of the first column is 'C' and then do the operation in order to find 'Scarto', in order to save time?
Scarto = zeros (N_nodi_tot - N_nodi_gen,1); %Array initialization
for Riga = 1:100000
if CAR_GEN(Riga,1) == abs('C')
Ncar = CAR_GEN(Riga,2);
Pcar = CAR_GEN(Riga,3)/Nbase;
Qcar = CAR_GEN(Riga,4)/Nbase;
Nload = Ntot(Riga,1);
Scarto(Ncar,1) = Nload - (Pcar + 1i*Qcar);
  3 commentaires
Giovanni Gardan
Giovanni Gardan le 19 Mai 2020
Thank you very much for your answer. Is this the right way to use logical indexing?
Scarto = zeros (N_nodi_tot - N_nodi_gen,1);
cond = (CAR_GEN(:,1) == abs('C'));
Ncar = CAR_GEN(cond,2);
Pcar = CAR_GEN(cond,3)/Nbase;
Qcar = CAR_GEN(cond,4)/Nbase;
Nload = Ntot(cond,1);
Scarto(Ncar,1) = Nload - (Pcar + 1i*Qcar);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 19 Mai 2020
Looks plausible.

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