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save a vector in an array

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Rica le 6 Nov 2012
Hi! I have this loop and i want to save the index (ind) in a vector or array. How should i do this
i thougt about a=[a;ind], but it was not true.
for l=1:length(date_time_l)
[~, ind] = min(abs(numdates-(date_time_l(l))));
%end of code
i thougt about a=[a;ind], but it was not true.
thank you

Réponse acceptée

Thomas le 6 Nov 2012
for ii =1:length(date_time_l)
[~, ind(ii)] = min(abs(numdates-(date_time_l(ii))));

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