How do I plot on the same figure from 2 functions?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Fraser Scanlan
Fraser Scanlan le 27 Mai 2020
Commenté : Tommy le 27 Mai 2020
Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, I couldn't find it.
I want to make a 3D plot the orbit of a SC around the Earth and have written a script to do that. I have also written a function to project the Earth but it doesn't map onto the figure correctly. Is there a way to plot onto the same figure from both the script and the function that is called?
Below is the main script:
positionData = data;
% Plot orbit in ECI reference
% Generation of a sphere
hold off
hold on
plot3(positionData(:, 1), positionData(:, 2), positionData(:, 3),'o-r');
% grid; axis equal;
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Z');
title('Orbit ECI (inertial) (m)')
The Earth3D function is intended to project the Earth:
function Earth3D(figure)
% Defines the Earth object and it's parameters as well as the plot size for the transformation.
[x,y,z] = sphere(1000);
[I,~] = imread('STK_map.jpg');
hold on
% ax1 = gca; %Creates object for the axis of the plot to allow it to be defined.
% ax1.YDir='normal'; %Defines y axis of the plot with + at the top.
axis equal;
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
I have also attached the 'data' function which just contains the spacecraft's position data, and the 'STK_map' for the Earth image.
Thank you for any help you can provide.

Réponse acceptée

Tommy le 27 Mai 2020
When you name a variable in your function figure, you can no longer access the function figure(). For example:
>> figure = 1;
>> figure(figure)
ans =
% no figure is created
That is likely your main problem.
It seems like warp just plots to the current axes. I would recommend working with handles. I think this could work:
positionData = data;
% Plot orbit in ECI reference
% Generation of a sphere
f = figure;
ax = axes(f, 'NextPlot', 'add');
plot3(ax, positionData(:, 1), positionData(:, 2), positionData(:, 3),'o-r');
% grid(ax, 'on'); axis(ax, 'equal');
xlabel(ax, 'X'); ylabel(ax, 'Y'); zlabel(ax, 'Z');
title(ax, 'Orbit ECI (inertial) (m)')
with your function defined like this:
function Earth3D(ax)
% Defines the Earth object and it's parameters as well as the plot size for the transformation.
[x,y,z] = sphere(1000);
[I,~] = imread('STK_map.jpg');
axes(ax) % make ax the current axes
% ax.YDir='normal'; %Defines y axis of the plot with + at the top.
axis(ax, 'equal');
%xlabel(ax, 'x'); ylabel(ax, 'y'); zlabel(ax, 'z');
  4 commentaires
Fraser Scanlan
Fraser Scanlan le 27 Mai 2020
You're right I was using the wrong scale, thank you for helping, it works now!
Tommy le 27 Mai 2020
Awesome, happy to help!

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