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How to loop a function?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mari Norwie
Mari Norwie le 1 Juin 2020
Commenté : Manish Kumar le 1 Juil 2020
I would please like to ask if what i did to loop a function is correct?
for l = 1:length(getgastablelisting(FilePrefix, DirectoryName, filetype))
CurrentSheet = readmatrix(LookupTableFiles(l));
[Cols,StructOut] = getindepvars(CurrentSheet);
  2 commentaires
Harsh Parikh
Harsh Parikh le 5 Juin 2020
Hi Mari,
Could you please shed some light on the different variables and the functions used in the loop? (mainly the following.)
  • LookupTableFiles
  • getgastablelisting()
  • getindepvars()
That would give a better idea about what's going on in the loop.
Moreover, could you please briefly explain what do you want to achieve through this loop?
Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar le 1 Juil 2020
Yes as per the syntax it is correct.
But It would be better if you can share about the function and their return types.

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