I'd like to know why the use of the Integrator Block's State Port is restricted (and I have some more questions, see below). Here's the long story:
What I want to do
I'm trying to write a Simulink block that computes the arithmetic mean value of a continuous input signal over some period of time. In general, beginning and end of a period are given by an external trigger signal, but in this minimal working example for simplification I use a Pulse Generator as a trigger signal (constant period every 1 second). Every rising edge marks the beginning of a new period and also the end of the previous one. Additionally, I use a Triggered Subsystem to sample the computed mean value and hold it until the next period is over.
To compute the mean value I integrate the given signal and divide it by the period length (which is equal to 1 here, so I left that out). The integrator is reset at the beginning of every period. The integrator state at the end of a period is the result I'm looking for.
First attempt
My first solution looked like this:
This doesn't work as naively expected because the integrator reset occurs before the Triggered Subsystem can copy the result. So the result is always zero:
I think I understand this behavior, therefore no questions so far ...
Second attempt
My second solution involved the integrator's state port. The Integrator Block documentation states:
"[...] If the block is reset in the current time step, the output of the state port is the value that would have appeared at the block's standard output if the block had not been reset. The state port's output appears earlier in the time step than the output of the Integrator block's output port. [...]"
This doesn't work either. Simulink throws an error:
"State ports can only be used to break algebraic loops or to "hand-off" states between systems. Use the output port rather than the state port of 'model/Integrator' as the source of the signal routed (either by direct or virtual connection) to 'model/Triggered Subsystem' "
The Integrator Block documentation also tells me that the use of the state port is restricted to only two special scenarios, stating:
"When updating a model, Simulink checks that the state port applies to one of these two scenarios. If not, an error message appears."
So my first set of questions is: Why is this an error? Is there a technical necessity? Is there a problem I don't see yet?
Third attempt
One of the mentioned two special scenarios where I'm allowed to use the state port is the case of a self-resetting integrator. So I tricked Simulink to believe that that's what I'm doing. I added two Gain blocks and a Sum block which should not change anything.
Now I don't get any error messages and the model works perfectly as expected (the mean value of a constant 1 signal over 1 second is equal to 1; the result is output for the first time when the first period ends, which is at t=1):
So my second set of questions is: Why does this work, although the former example doesn't? Does this solution have any hidden disadvantages, apart from its obvious ugliness? Is it more difficult for the variable-step solver, the zero-crossing detection or any other part of the simulation? Is there any reason why I shouldn't use this solution? Could I get wrong results in a "less minimal example" context?
And my third, only supplementary question: Is there an even better way to solve the problem? (I already tried manual (trapezoidal rule) integration using memory blocks but that's less accurate and also somewhat ugly)