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Crashing matlab job on server

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nat Henman
Nat Henman le 12 Juin 2020
I have a Matlab script which, when submitting to run in the background on a server, keeps crashing after a few seconds. This code works perfectly on my local machine and I have tested it extensively. It's only when I submit it to the server that it crashed.
The crash dump file has the following Stack Trace:
Stack Trace (captured):
[ 0] 0x00007f1ca7cad2d3 bin/glnxa64/libmwfl.so+00762579
[ 1] 0x00007f1ca7cad4cc bin/glnxa64/libmwfl.so+00763084 _ZN10foundation4core4diag15stacktrace_base7captureEm+00000028
[ 2] 0x00007f1ca7cb18c2 bin/glnxa64/libmwfl.so+00780482
[ 3] 0x00007f1ca7cb1a10 bin/glnxa64/libmwfl.so+00780816
[ 4] 0x00007f1ca6b6373e bin/glnxa64/libmwfoundation_usm.so+00071486
[ 5] 0x00007f1ca6b70928 bin/glnxa64/libmwfoundation_usm.so+00125224 _ZN10foundation3usm6DetailINS0_5scope3MvmEE4findEmRKSt9type_info+00000136
[ 6] 0x00007f1cab32369c bin/glnxa64/libmwservices.so+02893468
[ 7] 0x00007f1cab320b44 bin/glnxa64/libmwservices.so+02882372
[ 8] 0x00007f1cab320e7a bin/glnxa64/libmwservices.so+02883194
[ 9] 0x00007f1cab3210ca bin/glnxa64/libmwservices.so+02883786 _Z18svFindFeatureEntryPKc+00000074
[ 10] 0x00007f1cab321119 bin/glnxa64/libmwservices.so+02883865 svIsFeatureEnabled+00000009
[ 11] 0x00007f1cab253774 bin/glnxa64/libmwservices.so+02041716 _Z14ioPrintWrappedPKDsm18ioPrintWrappedTypei+00000580
[ 12] 0x00007f1ca79880b7 bin/glnxa64/libmx.so+01564855 _ZN6matrix13handleWarningERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIDsSt11char_traitsIDsESaIDsEEE+00000359
[ 13] 0x00007f1ca7986010 bin/glnxa64/libmx.so+01556496
[ 14] 0x00007f1ca79879a5 bin/glnxa64/libmx.so+01563045
[ 15] 0x00007f1ca7986ba2 bin/glnxa64/libmx.so+01559458
[ 16] 0x00007f1ca78f8a96 bin/glnxa64/libmx.so+00977558 _Z14mxWarningMsgIdRKN13resource_core9BaseMsgIDE+00000054
[ 17] 0x00007f1c7f5945af bin/glnxa64/libmwuix.so+00177583
[ 18] 0x00007f1c7ef5255d /lib64/libXt.so.6+00185693
[ 19] 0x00007f1c7ef531ff /lib64/libXt.so.6+00188927 XtAppNextEvent+00000159
[ 20] 0x00007f1c7f593ec3 bin/glnxa64/libmwuix.so+00175811
[ 21] 0x00007f1c7f594096 bin/glnxa64/libmwuix.so+00176278
[ 22] 0x00007f1c7f58a608 bin/glnxa64/libmwuix.so+00136712
[ 23] 0x00007f1c9301e3f3 bin/glnxa64/libmwmcr.so+00709619
[ 24] 0x00007f1c9301eb08 bin/glnxa64/libmwmcr.so+00711432
[ 25] 0x00007f1c93016d92 bin/glnxa64/libmwmcr.so+00679314
[ 26] 0x00007f1ca8b18ea5 /lib64/libpthread.so.0+00032421
[ 27] 0x00007f1caa3d48dd /lib64/libc.so.6+01042653 clone+00000109
[ 28] 0x0000000000000000 <unknown-module>+00000000
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Réponses (1)

Gaurav Garg
Gaurav Garg le 17 Juin 2020
Hey Nat,
You can try updating the graphic card drivers to the latest version, re-installing MATLAB, checking the LICENSE file once again and then retry the code on the server.
If the code still doesn't work, you can go through the link here.
Moreover, you can check for the relevance of error on the files mentioned (libmwfl, libmwservices, ....) individually.


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