producing n*n matrix as an string in a loop

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talayeh tavangar
talayeh tavangar le 15 Juin 2020
Commenté : Image Analyst le 16 Juin 2020
I want to used the following code put I donot know how to safe K as an n*n mtrix in each loop. because by using my code the code only use the last element of K. would you mind helping me with that?
for i=1:20
for j=1:20
for k=1:400
C{k}=E(i,j)/(1-nu(i,j)*nu(i,j))*[1,nu(i,j),0;nu(i,j),1,0;0,0,0.5-0.5*nu(i,j)]; %plane stress nu and E are poisson's ratio and young's modulus
for i=1:400, %element assembly
[B,Jac]=B_func(i); %jacodian function
Ke{i}=B'*C{i}*B*Jac*0.5; %Ke is elemental stiffness matrix
K(n,n)=K(n,n)+Ke{i}; %compute global stiffness matrix K
  7 commentaires
talayeh tavangar
talayeh tavangar le 16 Juin 2020
but in my code Ke is an string which has 400 elements of 6*6 matrix so I want to creat another sting as K which has 400 elements
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 16 Juin 2020
Do you have a screenshot of a book or article that shows the formula in standard kind of mathematical notation?
Also, attach a .mat file with all the variables we'll need to run your code.

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