What is meant by slip(output) in tire output port
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Deshik Reddy
le 17 Juin 2020
Réponse apportée : Vasco Lenzi
le 9 Juil 2020
Any one please explain what does slip in tire block mean, wether its percent or.....
In one simulation I got output slip as 30. Is it possible or not ....What does the block gives output as (better explain with mathematical explaination)
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Vasco Lenzi
le 9 Juil 2020
Hi Deshik
I took a quick look at the code under the hood. The slip is an unitless output of the relation between the velocity
S = {0, '1'}; % S:right
Is calculated from a velocity over another velocity: S == v_rel/v_den;
Is not a percent.
Hope this helps, I will put forward a request to improve the documentation and add a mention of the Slip unit.
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