Extracting data from .mat file

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Usman  Ali
Usman Ali le 28 Nov 2012
Hi everyone, I have received a *.mat file from my supervisor that contains 4 tables. every table is constructed on hourly based data from a power generator, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. so it (24*365)= 8760x1 table. that the properties of the table ''Time vector characteristics
Length 8760
Start date 01-Jan-2006 01:00:00
End date 01-Jan-2007 00:00:00
I need to extract data from the table in such form that I re-arrange it into 365x24 matrix so that every row show data for 1 day with 24 hours.

Réponse acceptée

Mitch Martelli
Mitch Martelli le 28 Nov 2012
Sorry i dont understand well your question
to extract the data you can try to use getEntry, documentation are reported in the link below :
Moreover if i understand well your aim reshape(xxx,365,24) dont give you what you want.
B = reshape(xxx,24,365);
  1 commentaire
Usman  Ali
Usman Ali le 6 Déc 2012
Actually I had a time series data with time stamp and data in the array that's why reshape is not working. NOw I extracted the data and time seperately from the file and save to another variable. and then applied the reshape, it works now.

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Plus de réponses (2)

Mitch Martelli
Mitch Martelli le 28 Nov 2012
Hi, You can use the reshape function.
Example :
B = reshape(data,24,365);

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 28 Nov 2012
What is stored in the mat file? Is it a structure with a cell array with 4 cells, and inside each cell is another cell array that is the table? So basically in other words there are 4 tables. And each table is an (N rows) by (3 columns) cell array where each of those cells contains a string? Because that's what you're showing. Can you do this and tell us what shows up in the command window:
storedStructure = load(yourMatFileName);
whos storedStructure
  1 commentaire
Usman  Ali
Usman Ali le 28 Nov 2012
Sorry I am newbie to matlab so not clear about structures etc. the .mat file contains 4 arrays (tables). if I check the size of each array it show (8760x1), but when i double click on the table, shows format like times series. u can see that in attached picture. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7dllq5alm0zuffr/test.jpg
I would like to extract data from last table zr513..
I tried it with reshape(zr513,365,24); but it give this error, 'To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change'

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