ROS Simulink Path Subscriber Issue

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hasan Sener
Hasan Sener le 11 Juil 2020
Dear All,
I'm having issues while subscribing a 'Path' publishing topic. In ROS ecosystem (so, while using Python) I can take all Pose data, but I can't take position and orientation data from subscriber block by using Simulink. My Matlab Version is: 2018b.
I created a Subscriber block, then by using a "Bus Selector" I'm selecting <Poses> (which is an array of sub busses), then I try to find all regarding pose's position.x & position.y values to use in the "Pure Pursuit" block.
How can I overcome this issue? Any help will be appreciated.

Réponses (1)

Cam Salzberger
Cam Salzberger le 13 Juil 2020
Hello Hasan,
Variable size arrays are always a bit tricky to deal with in Simulink. This documentation page addresses this issue directly, and points towards an example model that demonstrates how to do this kind of access.




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