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Magnetic Field Given Bx, By,Bz and Given XYZ of Spacecraft

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Daynah Rodriguez
Daynah Rodriguez le 28 Juil 2020
Commenté : KSSV le 5 Août 2020
If I'm given Bx, By, Bz for a planet's magnetic field in nT, how do I plot it in 3D? I've got the XYZ position of spacecraft too. I've seen the example codes of magnetic field, however, I would like to know as to how to approach this.

Réponses (1)

KSSV le 29 Juil 2020
You can use quiver3. Read about it.
  4 commentaires
Daynah Rodriguez
Daynah Rodriguez le 4 Août 2020
does this make sense though?
KSSV le 5 Août 2020
No idea...but according to the code you follwed that's what it is.

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