Merging 10 tif files into one in order to get spectral signatures
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Hi to everyone!
Im working with 10 reflectance maps processed on Pix4D, they have TIF format. I want to see the spectral signature of some pixels and for that I need to merge the 10 bands. How can I do this? Is this the way to proceed?
Thank you!!!
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Réponses (1)
Raunak Gupta
le 16 Août 2020
Hi Melisa,
You can read the TIFF files one by one and assign them to a matrix in the 3rd dimension. Since you want to merge the 10 images in band wise fashion, I am assuming the Height and width of every TIF image is same otherwise assigning to a matrix will not work. Below example code might be helpful. Here I assume each TIFF file contains only one channel. You may change accordingly if it contains more channels.
img1 = imread('tif_image1.tif');
[Height,Width] = size(img1,[1,2]);
numberOfBands = 10;
fullImage = zeros(Height,Width,numberOfBands);
% Assuming filename is calculated using dir and fullfile
for i=1:numberOfBands
img = imread('filename_i.tif');
fullImage(:,:,i) = img(:,:,1);
2 commentaires
Raunak Gupta
le 24 Août 2020
Hi Melisa,
Here F is the 'filename_i.tif' that I mentioned in the answer.
Hope this clarifies.
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