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Different boxplots with different colors

16 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nicole Andreoli
Nicole Andreoli le 27 Août 2020
Hello. I created these 6 boxplot, now I would like to make the points of the 3 boxplots that have "left" in their name on the x-axis in one color, and the points of the 3 boxplots that have"right" in the name on the x-axis in another color.
Here is my code :
groupLR = [ ones(size(IntCapDataMedianSubtractNCL'));
2 * ones(size(IntCapDataMedianSubtractNCR'));
3 * ones(size(IntCapDataMedianSubtractPCL'));
4 * ones(size(IntCapDataMedianSubtractPCR'));
5 * ones(size(IntCapDataMedianSubtractTL'));
6 * ones(size(IntCapDataMedianSubtractTR'))];
IntCapDataMedianSubtractConLR=[IntCapDataMedianSubtractNCL'; IntCapDataMedianSubtractNCR'; ...
IntCapDataMedianSubtractPCL'; IntCapDataMedianSubtractPCR'; ...
IntCapDataMedianSubtractTL'; IntCapDataMedianSubtractTR']
IntCapDataMedianSubtractConL=[IntCapDataMedianSubtractNCL'; IntCapDataMedianSubtractPCL'; ...
IntCapDataMedianSubtractConR=[IntCapDataMedianSubtractNCR'; IntCapDataMedianSubtractPCR'; ...
boxplot(IntCapDataMedianSubtractConLR,groupLR) ;
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'NC Left','NC Right','PC Left','PC Right','T Left','T right'})
hold on
[C, ~, ic]=unique([groupLR],'stable');
scatter(ic,[IntCapDataMedianSubtractConLR],'filled','MarkerFaceAlpha',0.6','jitter','on','jitterAmount', 0.15);
Thank you for your help
  2 commentaires
dpb le 27 Août 2020
Use the 'ColorGroup' and 'Colors' named value-pair arguments.
Nicole Andreoli
Nicole Andreoli le 1 Oct 2020
Thank you for your help

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Réponses (1)

Sourabh Kondapaka
Sourabh Kondapaka le 31 Août 2020
Modifié(e) : Sourabh Kondapaka le 31 Août 2020
You can use findobj() function to access properties of the plot and to modify the plot you can use patch() to update the color of each box within the boxplot.
Here I am storing the x-axis tick labels in an array and then using it to generate colors based on the values in this array.
The two set of colors I’m choosing are:
• If the name on X-axis tick label is “left” I’m choosing red color.
• If the name on X-axis is tick label “right” I’m choosing blue color
Replace the below code with lines from “figure” to “set()” in the code you had uploaded.
xAxisTickLabels = {'NC Left','NC Right','PC Left','PC Right','T Left','T right'};
colorsForPlotting = cell(size(xAxisTickLabels));
for i = 1:size(xAxisTickLabels,2)
if contains(xAxisTickLabels{i},'Left')
colorsForPlotting{i} = 'r';
colorsForPlotting{i} = 'b';
boxplot(k, x);
h = findobj(gca,'Tag','Box');
for j=1:length(h)
Above lines of code should replace lines from “figure” to “set()” in the code you had added.
Below code gives a complete picture for random values.
k = randn(5,5) + 10;
xAxisTickLabels = {'NC Left','NC Right','PC Left','PC Right','T Left','T right'};
colorsForPlotting = cell(size(xAxisTickLabels));
x = 1:5;
for i = 1:size(xAxisTickLabels,2)
if contains(xAxisTickLabels{i},'Left')
colorsForPlotting{i} = 'r';
colorsForPlotting{i} = 'b';
boxplot(k, x);
h = findobj(gca,'Tag','Box');
for j=1:length(h)
And the output is :
A similar question has been answered here
  1 commentaire
Nicole Andreoli
Nicole Andreoli le 1 Oct 2020
Thank you for your help, I managed to do it !
Do you also know how to change the colors of the points, instead of the color of the boxplot?

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