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num2str in legend

20 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
H-M le 27 Août 2020
Modifié(e) : David Goodmanson le 30 Août 2020
I want to use num2str in title of a plot:
the problem is i need to make 8 in term wo_f8 dynamic as well as using num2str.(e.g I need to have wo_f20 in another run)
how can I do that?
any help is appreciated.
title({'f=' num2str(wo_f8)})
  4 commentaires
Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 29 Août 2020
"the problem is i need to make 8 in term wo_f8 dynamic"
The goal isn't clear to me. The title of your question references legends and then the quesitons references titles. If wo_f8, wo_f9, wo_f10, ... wo_f20 are variables you created then the advice given above is what I would also recommend. If you didn't create these variables (i.e. you're loading them into Matlab), you could organize the data into a cell array or structure and then loop through the elements.
c = {wo_f8, wo_f9, wo_f10, . . ., wo_f20 }; % or matrix if the values are scalar
for i = 1:numel(c)
title(axisHandles(i), {'f=', num2str(c{i})});

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