How to use isosurface to measure volume of the cone??
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M.S. Khan
le 30 Août 2020
Modifié(e) : M.S. Khan
le 31 Août 2020
Using code below , i have measure volume of a cone but i want to measure it using isosuface() i.e. using voxels. Can anyone help me please. I will be very thankful.
Thanks in advance for all help.
R = 10;
h = 20;
N = 10000;
% Generate points in cone
dx = (pi*R^2*h/3/N)^(1/3);
rvec = linspace(-R,R,ceil(2*R/dx));
hvec = linspace(0,h,ceil(h/dx));
[X,Y,Z] = ndgrid(rvec,rvec,hvec);
is_in_cone = (X.^2+Y.^2) <= (R/h*(h-Z)).^2;
x = X(is_in_cone);
y = Y(is_in_cone);
z = Z(is_in_cone);
% Estimate the volume of the 3D object assuming the object is convex
tri = delaunay(x,y,z);
% indices of triangle
i1 = tri(:,1);
i2 = tri(:,2);
i3 = tri(:,3);
i4 = tri(:,4);
%Volume by summing tetrahedron
v1 = [x(i1)-x(i2) y(i1)-y(i2) z(i1)-z(i2)];
v2 = [x(i1)-x(i3) y(i1)-y(i3) z(i1)-z(i3)];
v3 = [x(i1)-x(i4) y(i1)-y(i4) z(i1)-z(i4)];
A = 1/2*cross(v1,v2,2); % surface of a triangle
V = 1/3*dot(A,v3,2); % volume of a tetrahedron
format long
V = sum(abs(V))
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Réponse acceptée
Bruno Luong
le 30 Août 2020
Modifié(e) : Bruno Luong
le 31 Août 2020
Theoretical volume = 2094.4, Isosurface estimation = 2092.4.
Pretty good to me.
R = 10;
h = 20;
N = 1e5;
% Theoretical volume
Vol = pi*R^2*h/3
% Generate points in cone
dx = (pi*R^2*h/3/N)^(1/3);
margin = 1e-3;
rmin = -(1+margin)*R;
rmax = +(1+margin)*R;
rvec = linspace(rmin,rmax,ceil((rmax-rmin)/dx));
zmin = -0.5*margin*h;
zmax = (1+0.5*margin)*h;
hvec = linspace(zmin,zmax,ceil((zmax-zmin)/dx));
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(rvec,rvec,hvec);
Vcone = sqrt(X.^2+Y.^2) - abs(R/h*(h-Z));
Vcone = max(Vcone,-Z);
Vcone = max(Vcone,Z-h);
[F,V] = isosurface(X,Y,Z,Vcone,0);
% Volume estimated from isosurface
VF = permute(reshape(V(F,:),[size(F) 3]),[3 1 2]);
Vol = 1/6*sum(dot(cross(VF(:,:,1),VF(:,:,2),1),VF(:,:,3),1))
% close all
% isosurface(X,Y,Z,Vcone,0)
% axis equal
% axis([-20 20 -20 20 -10 30])
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Walter Roberson
le 30 Août 2020
I absolutely positively would not use isosurface() to measure volumes. It makes the task into a Computer Vision task, requiring that you take screen captures of the surface from several different angles (6 different angles at absolute minimum), and use Stereo Vision techniques to try to reconstruct depths. It is too many unnecessary complications for too low an accuracy.
Do not do this. Find a different approach.
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