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Why are symbolic expressions being rounded?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs le 2 Sep 2020
I'm deriving some expressions symbolically and then substituting values and computing the results and I only recently noticed that the results are being rounded.
>> format long
>> syms x; double(subs(10/x,x,3))
ans =
or simply,
>> x = sym(3.33333333)
x =
>> double(x)
ans =
I can't even reproduce results from the documentation it seems:
>> syms x
>> p = sym(pi);
>> piVpa = vpa(p)
piVpa =
According to the documentation, this is supposed to produce:
piVpa =
  1 commentaire
Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs le 2 Sep 2020
Modifié(e) : Bill Tubbs le 2 Sep 2020
Actually, I think it is double that is doing the rounding:
>> syms x; 10/3 - subs(10/x,x,3)
ans =
>> 10/3 - double(subs(10/x,x,3))
ans =

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Réponse acceptée

Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs le 3 Sep 2020
Mathworks technical support have diagnosed the problem. Don't know what caused it originally but the 'FloatingPointOutput' setting in the symbolic preferences was set to 1.
Here is the solution to fix it:
>> sympref
ans =
struct with fields:
FourierParameters: [1×2 sym]
HeavisideAtOrigin: [1×1 sym]
AbbreviateOutput: 1
TypesetOutput: 1
FloatingPointOutput: 1
PolynomialDisplayStyle: 'default'
MatrixWithSquareBrackets: 0
>> sympref('FloatingPointOutput','default');
>> double(sym('pi'))
ans =
>> p = sym(pi);
>> piVpa = vpa(p)
piVpa =

Plus de réponses (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 2 Sep 2020
Have you changed your digits setting?
help digits
Are you calling the correct double function? What does this show?
which double(x)
  1 commentaire
Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs le 2 Sep 2020
Digits = 32
which double(x)
/Applications/MATLAB_R2019b.app/toolbox/symbolic/symbolic/@sym/sym.m % sym method

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