Plotting four plots when only two plot
2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Areg Arzoomanian
le 3 Sep 2020
Réponse apportée : Asad (Mehrzad) Khoddam
le 3 Sep 2020
This is my code. Im expecting to get 4 graphs but it only plots 2 at a time! how can i fix this?
Thank you
clear all
close all
mu = 398600;
minutes = 60; %Conversion from minutes to seconds
x0 = [10000; 0; 0];
v0 = [0; -5.8; 0];
Y0 = [x0; v0];
t0 = 0;
tf = 1440*minutes;
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-8, 'AbsTol', 1e-8) ;
[t,Y] = ode45(@twobodyEOM, [t0 tf], Y0, options, mu);
plotit(t, Y, minutes)
title('2D Trajectory')
xlabel('x position, km')
ylabel('y position, km')
grid on
grid minor
R = sqrt(Y(:,1).^2 + Y(:,2).^2 + Y(:,3).^2);
V = sqrt(Y(:,4).^2 + Y(:,5).^2 + Y(:,6).^2);
title('Specific Energy vs. Time')
ylabel('Specific Energy')
grid on
grid minor
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
function dYdt = twobodyEOM(t,Y,mu)
rvec = Y(1:3);
vvec = Y(4:6);
r = sqrt(rvec(1)^2+rvec(2)^2+rvec(3)^2);
rdotvec = vvec ;
vdotvec = -mu/r^3*rvec ;
dYdt = [rdotvec; vdotvec];
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
function dYdt = rates(t,Y,mu)
x = Y(1);
Dx = Y(2); % v
D2x = -mu/x^2; % vdot
dYdt = [Dx; D2x];
end %rates
function plotit(t, Y, minutes)
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%...Position vs time:
plot(t/minutes,Y(:,1), '-ok')
xlabel('time, minutes')
ylabel('position, km')
grid on
axis([-inf inf 5000 15000])
%...Velocity versus time:
plot(t/minutes,Y(:,2), '-ok')
xlabel('time, minutes')
ylabel('velocity, km/s')
grid on
axis([-inf inf -10 10])
end %plotit
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Réponse acceptée
Star Strider
le 3 Sep 2020
Add figure calls to create new figure windows, otherwise the plots will occur on existing figure windows, and over-write the previous plots:
mu = 398600;
minutes = 60; %Conversion from minutes to seconds
x0 = [10000; 0; 0];
v0 = [0; -5.8; 0];
Y0 = [x0; v0];
t0 = 0;
tf = 1440*minutes;
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-8, 'AbsTol', 1e-8) ;
[t,Y] = ode45(@twobodyEOM, [t0 tf], Y0, options, mu);
figure % <— ADD
plotit(t, Y, minutes)
figure % <— ADD
title('2D Trajectory')
xlabel('x position, km')
ylabel('y position, km')
grid on
grid minor
axis('equal') % <— ADD (Optional)
R = sqrt(Y(:,1).^2 + Y(:,2).^2 + Y(:,3).^2);
V = sqrt(Y(:,4).^2 + Y(:,5).^2 + Y(:,6).^2);
figure % <— ADD
title('Specific Energy vs. Time')
ylabel('Specific Energy')
grid on
grid minor
There is no reason to quote the functions here, so I do not. They are not changed, regardless.
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Plus de réponses (1)
Asad (Mehrzad) Khoddam
le 3 Sep 2020
The subplot command is subplot(2,1,1) which means 2 rows and one column. If you need 4 graphs at the same time you should use subplot(2,2,1),subplot(2,2,2), subplot(2,2,3), and subplot(2,2,4).
If you want two graph over each other, after the first plot use this command:
hold on;
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Voir également
En savoir plus sur 2-D and 3-D Plots dans Help Center et File Exchange
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