Import Keras Tensorflow Model into Simulink

31 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Lucas Ferreira-Correia
Lucas Ferreira-Correia le 11 Sep 2020
Commenté : Jie Li le 13 Oct 2021
I've got a trained model from Python, which I need to run on Simulink for my application.
Is it possible to import trained Tensorflow Keras models and implement them in Simulink?

Réponse acceptée

sruthi gundeti
sruthi gundeti le 12 Sep 2020
You can import your keras network using
net = importKerasNetwork(modelfile)
net = importKerasNetwork(modelfile,Name,Value)
model file can .h5 format ot json format with weights
Then write a entry level function for the imported network
function out = resnetFun(in)
persistent mynet;
if isempty(mynet)
mynet = coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork('resnet50', 'myresnet');
out = predict(mynet,in);
You can integrate MATLAB function into your Simulink model using the MATLAB Function Block.
You can execute your MATLAB code from within the model to read the input data from your sensor and then pass this data into your Simulink block.
Refer to this example on how to use a MATLAB function block in your model.
  2 commentaires
Lucas Ferreira-Correia
Lucas Ferreira-Correia le 30 Sep 2020
Thank you for your help! I've imported my regression model and accordingly a placeholder layer is inserted on top of the model. I need a sequence input layer to replace the placeholder, is that possible? From the documentation I only see an image input layer available.
sruthi gundeti
sruthi gundeti le 7 Juin 2021
This can import a regression network

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Plus de réponses (1)

Fernando Liozzi
Fernando Liozzi le 5 Juin 2021
Is it possible to use this method to generate code for a microcontroller in c / c ++? Thank you.
  2 commentaires
Fernando Liozzi
Fernando Liozzi le 5 Juin 2021
Thanks, yes, is possible, my keras NN is working perfectly in a STM32!
Jie Li
Jie Li le 13 Oct 2021
Hi, Fernando, Could you post how you put it in the simulink? My code says the importKerasNetwork cannot be used when complie.Thanks

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