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Choosing between to cases

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
tony karamp
tony karamp le 29 Jan 2013
hello all,
so I found myself in a situation where I have a switch case with two inputs
"switch blah blah
case ['car','pizza']
blah blah blah
plot (x,z)
xlabel 'fixed'
%for the case of 'car' I need to have a different ylabel
than the 'pizza' case
%for 'car'
ylabel 'gas'
%for 'pizza'
ylabel 'cheese'
the thing is that every time I have 'car' or 'pizza' the same thing has to happen. the only difference between those two is that I need to name the ylabel of my plot repenting on the case. I could copy paste the whole thing but with a different name, but there are too many lines and it will slow down the process.
Any suggestions? Thank you in advance

Réponse acceptée

Jan le 29 Jan 2013
switch string
case {'car','pizza'} % Curly braces
plot (x,z)
xlabel 'fixed'
if strcmp(string, 'car')
ylabel 'gas'
ylabel 'cheese'

Plus de réponses (2)

Ilham Hardy
Ilham Hardy le 29 Jan 2013

tony karamp
tony karamp le 29 Jan 2013
Thank you everyone!!!


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