Trying to solve a solid works model in the matlab. Encountered an error. What can be done to overcome the following error? Tried changing the consistency tolerance. Did not work.

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated
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Réponses (1)

Kautuk Raj
Kautuk Raj le 11 Déc 2024
I was facing the same error while carrying out a similar workflow in Simscape Multibody and found out that the issue was related to changing the "Consistency Tolerance" parameter in the Solver Configuration block. More about this parameter can be gathered from the following MathWorks documentation page:,Consistency%20tolerance,-%E2%80%94%20State%2Dbased
If the solver tolerance is too loose, meaning the tolerance value is too large, then it is possible that the simulation may overlook small errors and extend beyond the physical limits of the model. This can lead to larger errors and ultimately trigger a constraint violation error message.
If the solver tolerance is too tight, meaning the tolerance value is too small, then it is possible the solver time step will have to be decreased to a value that is too small to meet the tolerance requirements. This can then trigger a constraint violation error message.
Setting the parameter to its default value of 1e-09 solved the issue for me, I suggest you to try the same.

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