How to combine three different figures for three different vectors in one figure?
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Here, for a = 9.1 or 3.99 or 1.1 and b = 4 or 2 or 2 i can get one single plot where i am verying another variable segma. But i want to combine them in one figure. so that i can compare them from one plot.
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segma_N = 10.^-7;
p_db = 0:5:30;
p = 10.^(p_db/10);%power
R = 0.5; %Optoelectronic conversion factor
a = 9.1; %a=[9.1 3.99 1.1];
b = 4; %b=[4 2 2
I = abs(random('normal',1,2,1,100,1))*1e-8;
%segma =[(0.0647*0.115129255) (0.7360*0.115129255) (4.2850*0.115129255)];
segma =[0.4472 1.264 1.870];
nz = zeros(1, length(p_db));
%ze = zeros(1, length(p_db));
for k=1:length(segma)
for j = 1:length(nz)
ynz = qfunc(sqrt(2*((p(j).*R.*I)./segma_N).^2)).*nzpdf(I,segma(k)); %Bpsk
nz(k,j) = trapz(I, ynz);
% Plot
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grid on
xlabel('P [dB]')
title('Intial Results')
legend('Very clear air','Haze','Light fog')
xlim([0 30])
grid on
for the function nzpdf
function G = nzpdf(I,segma)
a = 9.1;
b = 4;
c = 0.2; %Gamma %Average optical power of classic scattering component received by off-axis eddies
%d =0.8; %Big omega prime Average optical power of coherent contributions
p_db = 0:5:30;
P= 10.^(p_db/10);%power
z = 2; %Propagation Distance
%segma = (8*0.115129255); %Atmospheric attenuation coefficient
%segma =(4.2850*0.115129255);
s = 0.3; %Zero boresight
I1 = exp(-segma*z); %Atmospheric attenuation
b_0=0.1079; %Average power of the coupled-to-LOS scattering component
row=0.25; %Scattering power coupled to the LOS component
d=(omega+row.*2.*b_0+2.*sqrt(2.*b_0.*omega.*row));%Big omega prime Average optical power of coherent contributio
Aperture_radius = 0.1; %Aperture_radius
segma_s = 0.2; %Jitter standard deviation
omega_z = 2.5; %Beam Width
v = (sqrt(pi)*Aperture_radius)/(sqrt(2)*omega_z);
omega_zeq_2 = (omega_z^2)*(sqrt(pi)*erf(v))/(2*v*exp(-(v^2)));
g = omega_zeq_2/(2*segma_s);
A0 = (erf(v))^2;
A = (2*(a^(a/2))/((c^(1+a/2))*gamma(a)))*(((c*b)/(c*b+d))^(b+a/2));
First = (2*pi*(g^2)*A*exp((-(s^2))/(2*(segma_s^2))))/(omega_zeq_2);
count1 = 0;
for k= 1:b
ak = (nchoosek(b-1,k-1))*(((c*b+d)^(1-k/2))/gamma(k))*((d/c)^(k-1))*((a/b)^(k/2));
Summation_1 = ak*(I.^(((a+k)/2)-1)) / ( ((A0*I1)^((a+k)/2)) * sin(pi*(a-k)) );
count2 = 0;
for p = 0:length(P)
Part1 = (((a*b.*I)/((c*b+d)*A0*I1)).^(p-(a-k)/2)) / (gamma(p-(a-k)+1)*factorial(floor(p)));
Part2_1 = (-omega_zeq_2) / ((4*(p+k-(g^2))));
Part2_2 = exp(((-omega_zeq_2)*(s^2)) /(8*(p+k-(g^2))*segma_s^4));
Sum1 = Part1 .* (Part2_1 *Part2_2);
Part3 = (((a*b.*I)/((c*b+d)*A0*I1)).^(p+(a-k)/2)) / (gamma(p+(a-k)+1)*factorial(floor(p)));
Part4_1 = (-omega_zeq_2) / ((4*(p+a-(g^2))));
Part4_2 = exp(((-omega_zeq_2)*(s^2)) / (8*(p+a-g^2)*segma_s^4));
Min1 = Part3.*( Part4_1*Part4_2);
Summation_2 = Sum1 - Min1;
count2 = count2 + Summation_2;
count1 = count1 + count2.*Summation_1;
G = First.*count1;
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