cc=bwconncomp return empty PixelIdxList

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
XIANG SONG le 28 Oct 2020
I'm working on a alpha matting project that reqires to calculating connectivity error of predicted alpha matte and ground truth alpha matte. However after input the image my code get error indicating the has a row of empty cell array, which alwasy stop the code from runing? how can i fix it? i did convert the image to grayscale first.
% pred: the predicted alpha matte
% target: the ground truth alpha matte
% trimap: the given trimap
% step = 0.1
function loss = compute_connectivity_error(pred,target,trimap,step)
pred = single(pred)/255;
target = single(target)/255;
[dimy,dimx] = size(pred);
thresh_steps = 0:step:1;
%l_map is -1 matix with same shape as pred
l_map = ones(size(pred))*(-1);
dist_maps = zeros([dimy,dimx,numel(thresh_steps)]);
% ii=[0,0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0]
for ii = 2:numel(thresh_steps)
pred_alpha_thresh = pred>=thresh_steps(ii);
target_alpha_thresh = target>=thresh_steps(ii);
%%% error from here
cc = bwconncomp(pred_alpha_thresh & target_alpha_thresh,4);
size_vec = cellfun(@numel,cc.PixelIdxList);
[biggest,max_id] = max(size_vec);
omega = zeros([dimy,dimx]);
omega(cc.PixelIdxList{max_id}) = 1;
flag = l_map==-1 & omega==0;
l_map(flag==1) = thresh_steps(ii-1);
dist_maps(:,:,ii) = bwdist(omega);
dist_maps(:,:,ii) = dist_maps(:,:,ii) / max(max(dist_maps(:,:,ii)));
l_map(l_map==-1) = 1;
pred_d = pred - l_map;
target_d = target - l_map;
pred_phi = 1 - pred_d .* single(pred_d>=0.15);
target_phi = 1 - target_d .* single(target_d>=0.15);
loss = sum(sum(abs(pred_phi - target_phi).*single(trimap==128)));

Réponses (1)

Nagasai Bharat
Nagasai Bharat le 25 Nov 2020
The error arises from the cc.PixelIdxList which is here a empty cell array. cc.PicelIdxList is an empty cell array due to the reason that the binay image(pred_alpha_thresh & target_alpha_thresh) sent into the bwconncomp function is a completely black image(all zeros) which has no connected components.
Cross check the pred_alpha_thresh and target_alpha_thresh values and ensure the output is not all zeros.
The following code would show you the case.
img = zeros([256, 256]);
cc = bwconncomp(img,4);


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