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doubt with login in matlab

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
DEEPTHI le 17 Fév 2013
I am deepthi...i am new to matlab...i am doing project in relevence feedback for cbir...i have to create login page in matlab.i used logindlg.m file which i downloaded from mathworks.in .i created a table in ms access and i entered 2 datas(user id,password:user1 & user id,password:user2) in the table.i want to import the data from ms acess to matlab.if i enter the correct user id as user1 or user2 the program should display the cbir.mat file otherwise it should display wrong user id....i created a table name:login and data source name:logindb will u provide the sample code for this...
  2 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 17 Fév 2013
What is your code so far, and what difficulty are you encountering?
Jan le 17 Fév 2013
@deepthi: You repeatedly ask for sample code, but this is not an efficient strategy in this forum. It is very unlikely, that somebody can create a sample, which matches your needs exactly, and this would be a waste of her/his and your time. It is much more efficient, if you split your problem into small parts and solve them one by one. Then you can post a piece of code and ask specific questions, which can be answered exactly. Ok?
A general note: It is usually very easy to find a workaround for login procedures written in Matlab. Therefore I would not spend to much time in this, when a user needs a minute only to crack it.

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