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adjusting the time interval of "For" loop

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres le 19 Fév 2013
If I make an algorithm using 'for' loop
for examples,
for i=1:10
it calculates very fast. (as you know)
but,i want to adjust the time interval of each step.
such as
calculate i=1 step, and calculate i=2 step after 10 seconds
is it possible??

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Wayne King
Wayne King le 19 Fév 2013
Modifié(e) : Wayne King le 19 Fév 2013
You can put a pause() in the loop
for ii = 1:10
I've also seen reports that java's sleep() is more accurate for this, but I can't verify that myself. The java sleep call is in milliseconds.
duration = 10;
for ii = 1:10
  1 commentaire
Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres le 19 Fév 2013
Thank you!
it works fine :)

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