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How to obtain values symbolically

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Vicky le 22 Fév 2013
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
Hi! Im using Matlab version 7.9.0(R2009b) and i would like to sum e.g. first 10 terms of expression c_i*x^i, where c_i should be obtained symbolically. how should i do that, so that this expression is dependent on x / function of x (so when i enter exact number for x, i get real number - not expression with c_i).

Réponses (2)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek le 22 Fév 2013
Modifié(e) : Azzi Abdelmalek le 22 Fév 2013
c=sym('c',[1 10])
  8 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 23 Fév 2013
If that is the complete instruction you are given, then the c_i are just the symbolic variables, and you will not be able to complete the second part.
If there are instructions before that point, then you might be able to proceed further.
Vicky le 23 Fév 2013
there should be sth else, but i cant find the answer...thank You, Walter, anyway.

bym le 23 Fév 2013
c =sym(1:10)
f = @(x) sum(c.*x.^(1:length(c)));

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